Friday, April 8, 2011

I Am The Great Cornholio

Hi, I'm Snoopy.

I have no idea why these ditzy humans named me Snoopy since I'm not a beagle and I'm not black and white, but ok, Snoopy it is... I expressed my dissatisfaction with the name by POOPING in the livingroom in front of everyone. It didn't help--I'm still living with a cartoon name. Oh well, what can you do? Between you and me, I'd prefer to be called "Cornholio."

I'm part chihuahua, and part, ummm... I don't really know. I just know I have 5 brothers and sisters, some that look like me and some that are black and white.

I'm 7 weeks old.
I weigh 7 ounces.
I'm told I'll "grow" up to be 5 pounds.

My new brother, the black lab named Buddy, (seriously, humans--what's up with the double letters in names?) weighs 130 pounds. I'm going to try to stay out of his way!

I'm going to go chew on some human toes and roll around on the floor for awhile but I'll see you soon!